Client Reviews

Could not wait to share this AMAZING News!!! I had virtually no lower back pain after my Session and the day after I have gone without any pain reliever whatsoever! This is the first day since January that I have gone without pain at work that I did not need to take anything! I cannot wait to hug you!!! I cannot Thank You enough! so much Love to you! Amy W., Fort Myers, FL


" For Several weeks recently, I experienced anxiety and terror deeper than ever. Always an anxious type, this level was unbearable. I lost my appetite, lost too much weight and thought I could lose my mind if I didn't find relief soon. Though my usual tools of prayer, meditation, yoga, breath work and heart work keep me sane - moments of relief were in short supply. Just when my husband was thinking I would surely need to be hospitalized and my own realization rose that there would be no help for me there, I remembered how Lisa and the Biofeedback system she uses had supported me in the past. I am thrilled to say that within 3 sessions I was on the road to a full recovery. Of course I have to keep up my end of the work, but it is well worth it to feel at peace again. Thank you for offering this type of support Lisa"! - Marie D., Boston MA


I can't say enough about this amazing soul!! I've been on an expansion journey and with the support, healing and assistance from Lisa Doyle-Mitchell facilitating biofeedback over a 5 week period, I feel complete, free and ready to receive all the abundance that life has to offer. Biofeedback has opened up, healed and released so many blockages from past, present and future. When we connect to the light that is within us and co-create with no boundaries, what is possible? Unlimited potential is our birth right, it's up to us to be the creator God designed us to be. Create a reality that flows in and through us with no limits. I'm excited about my future!! If you have never tried biofeedback, connect with this awesome Goddess, you will thank me on the other side - Candace T., Cape Coral, FL


I have been using Blue Star Biofeedback for a couple of months now and I feel so blessed to be working with Lisa. She knows her way around the layers that create dis-ease and is a skillful guide through the emotional landscape and healing process. Biofeedback is so much more than just the machine, it's having a navigator that can use it to direct you toward your healing. This experience has been nothing short of amazing and the amount of discovery is something I did not expect. We are still in progress but I'm already a new person, I can be having an intense confusing painful week and Lisa has the ability to shine a light on the path and turn me around in a matter of minutes. If you're interested in biofeedback, coaching or healing look no further, you'll be in good hands!
-B.H. Naples, FL


"I am very new to biofeedback, but I must say IT WORKS!  I've worked with Lisa for the past few weeks and I am a new person.  I suffered from insomnia for months.  IT was so bad, I was staying up all night long at least three nights a week and then going to work.  After the initial session with Lisa, I was able to learn new techniques to help me to get to sleep.  From the second visit, I've never experienced insomnia again!  My mind is clear.  I have peace, tranquility and a calmness that I have not felt for years.  If you follow the process, your Life WILL be changed." Michele S., Estero, FL

"I'm a newborn in the world of biofeedback & it has been an absolute blessing to have had Lisa as a guide through this movement in my life.  With her knowledge, experience, and intuition so far we have made serious progress.  This is SERIOUS work, but Lisa will make you gut-laugh when you need it the absolute most...she will also snap you out of your b.s. or lend you that shoulder.  I Absolutely, hands down Recommend her." - J.B., Lehigh, FL

"I highly recommend Lisa and her amazing biofeedback program.  Lisa's knowledge and passion to help others is over the top!  The biofeedback program syncs with my personal challenges brought on by stage 4 metastatic breast cancer - and with toxins filling my body from chemotherapy, this assists with managing my symptoms.  The biofeedback helps me see inside my body and by using that information, it regulates my physiology in a healthy direction." - D. W., Estero, FL

"Quantum Biofeedback is literally the wave of the future!  It aligned my energy field allowing my body to quickly heal itself!  It's truly a miracle and Lisa is beyond amazing!!! With her kind, loving nature and superb intuition and knowledge of numerous healing modalities, I was able to heal in deeper ways I never thought possible.  Thank you quantum angel for sharing your gifts with the world!" - H.W., Fort Myers, FL

I'm a seeker, a searcher, and I have the upmost respect for Lisa and the work she's doing with Biofeedback.  My experience was really quite profound, after the first session and don't let this scare you, that evening I was covered with chills and nausea and all I could think about like most of us was the virus...BUT it wasn't at all - IT was a cleansing going on in my spirit, soul and body.
And then it gets better… Lisa‘s recommendation of inhaling sage essential oil was spot on and it really helped me stay grounded during this time… Also, as sort of a strange and result of our work in biofeedback the coolest thing started to happen, I was drawn to read more and more and more on my spiritual path… As a minister of course I read every day spiritual and religious doctrine, but a couple months ago I started this new path during the pandemic of even devoting more time to God
After my sessions with Lisa in biofeedback my desire even deepened I highly recommend that you work with Lisa, allow her to help you… And I know she can. D.E., Fort Myers, FL


"Lisa Doyle-Mitchell is definitely someone I would want on my healing and recovery team. Her friendly, upbeat and engaging positivity make her a pleasure to be around and to work with. Yet, she is also very smart, intuitive and savvy, as well. She really has it all and anyone who is lucky enough to be able to work with her, I'm sure, will benefit from that relationship! I highly recommend her services and assistance." ~ R.B., Fort Myers FL


"When one thinks of biofeedback the first person I and many others think of is Lisa Doyle-Mitchell. Lisa knows and understands the biofeedback system and why it is so important to our daily health and systems within our bodies. Working with Lisa, one can find balance with their body, mind & spirit. When Lisa was ill many years ago with Multiple Sclerosis she discovered how balancing her system through biofeedback helped her significantly.  If you are looking to discover how you can stay balanced & healthy give Lisa a call!"- J.S., Fort Myers, FL


"I met Lisa by pure and intentional accident. She offered her free consultation and following the call, I was in! She explained her coaching techniques and added she uses a bio-feedback system that could support my goals if I would like to add that on.  Once I explained what were my goals were, she began to help me reach them with a few steps leaving me filled with a calm-relaxed confident

Lisa's approach is definitely bio-individual, as she peels away the layers with spot on questions, her intuitive energy and her kindness, she works with an up-ward and on-ward voice.She guides along in the session with her 3 step system for me, and makes sure I have my homework done by our next session. After each session, her heart-coaching tools and passion for my result, leaves me feeling 100x better than when we first said hello.

If you’re looking for “THE” coach stop right now and call Lisa. For me I was left with an over all feeling of satisfaction guaranteed! As a coach myself, I find we too need support-love-guidance and a little kick in the butt. I’ve shared Lisa’s phone number with a few colleagues and I'm encouraging YOU to reach out to here today.  Thank you Lisa for all that you gave me, and your souls sista friendship." - M.R.M., Naples, FL


"I have known Lisa for many years and have always felt a connection with her. Her authentic spirit and dedication to bringing out the best in those she believes in is overwhelming at times. She has a natural ability to feel energy and know when it is off, and with her loving guidance supports the transformation in others. She is an amazing listener and communicates clearly from her heart.I'm super excited for her future and cant wait to see her thrive in what she loves." - C.T.C., Cape Coral, FL.


"Working with Lisa is such a pleasure. She is the kind of person you want to do business with. She makes you feel important, she is timely and efficient and comes through with what she promises. Lisa is an outstanding individual on all levels." ~ A.O., Naples, FL

"Lisa you should feel proud of the woman you are. Despite all negative energy that surrounds us in life, you always manage to stay positive, make informed decisions, and stay true to what you believe is right in your heart. Love you!" ~ C.R.W., Fort Myers, FL

"When I think about Lisa I automatically have a smile on my face. From the first day I met Lisa she posessed an energy like no other. The feeling I get just being in her presence is that of a positive energy. I dont ever feel that she is judgemental or conditional about our relationship. We go for months without talking and it is as if we just take up where we left off. We can go for years without seeing each other and then again when we do see each other I know it will feel like just yesterday. I envy her gift of paying it forward with just a smile. :)" ~ G.P., New York


"With relish my friend......I met Lisa in 2007 while involved in some transformational personal growth seminars and work groups. I instantly felt connected to her open and positive way of being. Every encounter with Lisa reinforced my high opinion of her graciousness, compassion, intelligence and integrity. Quite frankly there isn't anything about Lisa I did not find attractive. I truly consider myself far richer for having the privilege of calling Lisa my friend." ~ D.J., Cape Coral FL


"Who is Lisa Doyle? Thank you for allowing me to share this. I first met Lisa during a parenting course. Titled, Creating Cooperative and Responsible Children. From my first interaction Lisa created a space of safety. I have learned through our developing relationship that she is not only safe and personable; she is someone to be relied upon and will come to your need in an emergency with out hesitation. Committed, loyal, warm, confident and knowledgeable would be the characteristics that I have found outstanding in this beautiful woman named Lisa Doyle." ~ A.E., Fort Myers FL

"When you're feeling unwell, remember that the same power that actually made your body knows how to restore it to its original state of well-being.  All you have to do is remove the obstacles erected by you and your toxic world, and allow this healing power to flow through you."

Dr. Wayne Dyer

Call Lisa Doyle-Mitchell at 239-851-4729 or send email to for your FREE Consultation to see how Biofeedback can help you today!